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This site uses cookies to function. Please confirm you are happy with this and want to continue using our site. Read our cookie usage policy for more details on how we use cookies.

Privacy Policy

Just to make perfectly clear to anyone who might have any concerns...

Any personal information (email addresses, gift lists etc) provided to this website are only going to be used by this website. They will not be sold to other websites or companies. We won't flood you with emails either.

How we use your data

The name you provide is just so your friends and family can find your online wishlist easily. Your birth date (just month and day) is also used to make it easier to find your lists and also can be used by yourself or your friends to be reminded when your birthday is coming up.

Your email address is kept private. It is how you can recover your account if you forget the password. We will also send emails notifying you when your friends or your birthday are coming up if you subscribe to such notifications. Very rarely we may send important updates to the service via email, but mostly that is done using social media.

If you don't want us to have this information any more, you can delete your account and will we delete that data.


This site uses cookies to keep track of your session. No personal information is stored in them, but they can be used by the website to identify who you are. When you log out, the session cookie is deleted. Otherwise the cookie will pretty much last forever, thus saving you the hassle of constantly logging in.

The site may provide 3rd party cookies for some online stores related to the advertising featured on the site which is used to offset the costs of hosting and running this service, for example as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases made from their websites.

Social media features may also create 3rd party cookies. We also make use of Google Analytics to anomynously understand how people use this website, which also uses cookies.
